To save from your next cutlery set, let’s start from here.
A little bit extra time is needed for keeping your cutlery set new after using or washing from dish washer.
Here are the steps:
A.Washing them with hot water and do this right after eating, instead of leaving the residue on the cutlery. The metal would be damaged by the acid and salt those food left on it.
B.After washing, use a soft cloth to dry each piece of them to prevent the water leaves marks on the cutlery.

How do you clean clouded cutlery set?
Occasionally, you put all of the cutlery in the dish washer right after using, they still come out with marks, however, here are steps for clean this:
A.Boil them in a pot which is filled with water;
B.Dry them with a lint-free cloth;
C.Apply some paste on the cutlery set, and then scrub the paste to the dirty area with a bristle brush;

How do you store your cutlery?
After washing them right after using all properly, please store them in a storage drawer compartment. In divided section neatly to prevent from bumping each other. Also make sure the cutlery set has enough room for each piece, never want to hold 24 pieces of fork together in a tiny compartment. To lower the cost, we have a little tip:
Use shoebox lids draped in a towel to create shallow dividers. To create the right size for each utensil , cut the lids the center lengthwise and slide together.

Post time: Feb-22-2023